Class 12 Hotel Management Model Question 2081


                                                                                 Sub.Code: 4401


2081 (2024)

Hotel Management

(New course)

(For regular and grade increment students whose first two digits of the registration number start from 78, 79, and 80)

Candidates need to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Time: 2 hrs.   Full Marks: 50

Attempt all questions

Group 'A'

Very short answer questions.


1. Which section of the accounts department collects the hotel's outstanding amount?

2. State any two fire safety measures practiced in hotels.

3. If Brass is polished with 'Brasso', what is silver polished with?

4. Identify one common characteristic of mire poix and bouquet garni.

5. Name the ingredients for making béchamel sauce.

6. List the styles of fried egg preparation.

7. Write the full form of AV which is required for an event.

8. Mention any two importance of event.

9. What are 'salmonella' and 'E.coli' ?

Group 'B'

Short answers questions.                  


10. Describe the needs and importance of a balanced diet.      2+3


Explain the causes of food poisoning.

11. List the essential equipment, agents, and process of cleaning hard floors.       1.5+1.5+2

12. Write the steps of attending an occupied room.

13. Which service style would you recommend in the following outlets and why?

(a) coffee shop

(b) cafeteria

14. Define beverage and list out its classification chart.     1+4



Show the key differences between red wine and white wine.            2.5+2.5

Group 'C'

Long answer questions.


15. Describe the different ways and methods of hotel safety and security.              4+4

16. Define soup and explain its types.                       2+6


List the types of roux-based mother sauces and write the recipe and method of any two of them.


Class 12 Hotel Management Model Question 2081
Class 12 Hotel Management Model Question 2081


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