NEB Class 12 Computer Science Important Questions 2080 / 2081
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NEB Class 12 Computer Science Important Questions 2080 / 2081 |
Group A
Long Answer Questions
Attempt any FOUR questions.
1. a . Write a C program to input three numbers and display the largest number among them.
b. Differentiate between while and do-while loop with a suitable example.
2. a. For any integer number input through the keyboard, Write a C program to display if the number is prime or not.
b. Write a C program to input a number and display its factorial.
3. a. Draw a flowchart and write a C program to display the series 1, 1, 2, 3, 5,.... up to nth term.
b. Explain the array with its use. Write a C program to input 10 numbers and display them in ascending order. [5] 4. Write a C program that takes input from the user and stores std_no, name, and percentage of 'n' students in a data file. Display the records in the appropriate format reading from the file.
5. Write a C program to display the sum of two 3×3 matrices provided by the user.
Group B
Short Answer Questions
Attempt any SEVEN questions.
6. Define feasibility study? What is? its importance in the system development process? Explain the different types of feasibility studies.
7. Explain the term data security along with different security techniques.
8. What is the use of normalization in RDBMS? Explain the normalization process with an example.
9. Define network topology. Explain different topologies with their merits and demerits.
10. Compare and contrast between client-server and peer-to-peer network architectures.
11. What is Object-oriented programming (OOP)? Describe different characteristics of OOP.
12. Explain the features of the Internet that have made it one of the popular mediums of communication at present. How is it different from the Intranet?
13. What is E-Commerce? Write the impact of E-Commerce in
modern society.
14. Write short notes on any two
a. Application areas of Al
b. SQL
c. Cyber law