NEB Class 12 Account Question Paper | Important for 2080 / 2081


 NEB Grade 12 Account Question Paper

NEB Class 12 Account Question Paper
Class 12 Account Important Question 2080


1. The store transactions are given below for the month of Poush:


Poush 1         Opening balance                      1200 units @Rs.6 each

Poush 5          Purchase                                  2000 units @Rs. 7 each 

Poush 8           Issued                                      2000 units

Poush 12         Purchase                                  800 units @ Rs.8 each 

Poush 20          Issued                                    700 units  

Poush 22          Return from department          100 units @Rs. 8 each 

Poush 25          Issued                                       500 units

Required: Stores ledger under the LIFO Method.

Ans: Closing stock: 900 units @Rs. 6

2. The transactions relating to a company's materials for the month of Chaitra are as follows.


Chaitra 1              Opening stock                           500 units @Rs.10 per unit 

Chaitra 5             Purchases                                   600 units @Rs.12 per unit

Chaitra 10           Issued                                          900 units

Chaitra 15           Return from factory                     50 units

Chaitra 20           Purchases                                     1000 units @Rs.11 per unit

Chaitra 25           Issued                                            1100 units

27 Chaitra           Shortage on stock verification       20 units

Required: Store ledger under the LIFO method.

Ans: Closing Stock: 130 units @ Rs. 10

3. The given data are the  Store transactions of a Limited Company for the month of Baishakh 2072 


Baisakh 1          Opening stock         5000 kg @ Rs. 100 per kg

Baisakh 5          Purchased                2000 kg @Rs. 150 per kg

Baisakh 7           Issued                       4000 kgs

Baisakh 20         Purchased                  1,000 kgs @Rs. 200 per kg

Baisakh 25         Issued                           2000 kgs

Baisakh 26         Returned to store         50 kgs

Required: Store ledger under the LIFO method.

Ans: Closing Stock: 2,000 kg @ Rs. 100 and 50 kg @Rs. 100

4. Information regarding materials transactions during the month of Jestha 2068 is given below.


Jestha 1         Opening balance               1000 units @Rs. 10

Jestha 5           Issued                              300 units

Jestha 8           Purchased                        400 units @12

Jestha 10          Issued                             400 units

Jestha 12          Purchased                      200 units @ 11

Jestha 13         Return to store                  50 units issued from 8th Jestha

Jestha 18          Purchased                       200 units @ 10

Jestha 25          Issued                               600 units

Jestha 30          Shortage on verification          20 units

Required: Store ledger under the LIFO method

Ans: Closing stock: 530 units @Rs. 10

5.  The given below are store transactions of a limited company for the month of Shrawan 2068.


Shrawan 1             Opening Stock          2,000 units @Rs. 60

Shrawan 4            Purchased                 1,000 units @Rs. 65

Shrawan 10         Purchased               500 units @Rs. 70

Shrawan 15         Issued                     600 units

Shrawan 21        Issued                     100 units

Shrawan 25     Received from work order           30 units

Shrawan 29        Stock verification loss             10 units

Required: Stores ledger under the LIFO method.

Ans: Closing stock: 2,000 units @Rs. 60 and 820 units @ Rs. 65

6. Following are the stock transactions of a company given below:


Ashad 1       Balance                           1000 units @ Rs. 4 each.

Ashad 5       Purchased                       500 units @Rs. 5 each

Ashad 8         Issued                          1300 units

Ashad 18        Purchased                      800 units @Rs. 7 each

Ashad 20      Return to Creditors         100 units of Ashad 18 purchased

Ashad 25      Issued                                      700 units

Ashad 30      Return from work order         100 units

Required: Store ledger under the LIFO method.

Ans: Closing stock: 200 units @ Rs. 4 and 100 units @ Rs. 7


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