Class 12 Computer Science Exam Questions 2080 | HISSAN CENTRAL EXAMINATION 2080


Class 12 Computer Science Exam Questions 2080

Class 12 Computer Science Exam Questions 2080 | HISSAN CENTRAL EXAMINATION 2080  Page 1
Class 12 Computer Science Exam Questions 2080 | HISSAN CENTRAL EXAMINATION 2080  Page  2

Class 12 Computer Science Exam Questions 2080 | HISSAN CENTRAL EXAMINATION 2080  Page  2
Class 12 Computer Science Exam Questions 2080 | HISSAN CENTRAL EXAMINATION 2080  Page  2

Important Class 12 Computer Science 



Multiple Choice Questions
Choose the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is generally used for performing tasks like creating the structure of the relations, or deleting relations?
B) Query
c) Relational Schema

2. The primary key is selected from the
A) Composite key
B) Candidate key
C) Determinants
D) foreign key

3. Which one of the following given statements possibly contains the error?
A) SELECT * from emp where empid = 10003;
B) SELECT empid from emp where empid = 10006;
C) SELECT empid from emp;
D) SELECT empid where empid = 1009 and Lastname = 'GELLER';

4. The largest geographic area a WAN can span is
A) town
C) City
B) world
D) state

5. Which of the following is the correct syntax to write a PHP code?
A)<?php ?>
°C)< ? php ?>
D) <? ?>

6. What will be the output of the following in JavaScript?
<script type="text/javascript">
A=5+ "9",
A) compilation error
C) 59
B) 14
D) run time error

7. Which sign is used to declare a variable in PHP?
A) @ 
B) #
C) $

8. Which feature of OOPS described the reusability of code?
A) Class.
B) Polymorphism.
C) Inheritance.
D) Data Abstraction.

Short Answer Questions

10. what are the different types of anomalies in the database? Explain.
Explain the second normal form with an example.

11. Write a program in JavaScript to find the factorial value of a number. 
Write a PHP program to reverse a given number.

12. Define the terms class and object. How do the programmers benefit from the inheritance feature of OOPs?

13. Explain the importance of the system analysis phase of SDLC.
14. Explain Virtual Reality with an example.

Long Answer Questions

15. What is a computer network? Explain any three types of network topology.

16. Create a structure named Book to store book details like title, author, and price. Write a C program to input details for three books and display their information in ascending order based on price.


Create a structure called "Student" with members' names, ages, and marks for 3 subjects. Write a C program to input data for two students, display their information, and find the total marks of each student.


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