Class 12 Computer Practical Examination Questions-2080 (NEB) | Model Questions Computer Practical Examination Grade 12


Class 12 Computer Practical Examination-2080 (NEB)

Class 12 Computer Practical Examination Questions-2080 (NEB) | Model Questions Computer Practical Examination Grade 12
Class 12 Computer Practical Examination Questions-2080 (NEB) | Model Questions Computer Practical Examination Grade 12

Model Questions

Computer Practical Examination-2080 (NEB)


[Three questions will be asked randomly (one question from every group)]

(Group "A") C language

1. Find the perimeter of the rectangle using a user-defined function

2. Find the simple Interest using the function.

3. Write a C program to reverse a given number using a function.

4. Find the given integer Is Even or Odd using the function

5. Write a C program to find the sum of digits of a given number using a function.

6. Find the factorial of a given number using a recursive function.

7. Write a program to generate a sum of numbers from 1  to 10 using a recursive function.

8. Sort the given data in ascending/descending order using structure.

9. WAP using structure and store name of student, class, and roll no of 10 students.

10. WAP to swap two numbers using a pointer.

11. Find the sum of two numbers using a pointer.

12. Write a C program to enter a name, roll number, and class of 10 students and store them in a data file.

13. Write a program to display name, age, and address reading from a file named record.dat".

 14. Write a program that reads the salary of 25 employees and displays the records of employees who are getting salaries between 3000 to 5000.

15. Write a program that reads name, address, and age from a file named "employee.dat" and display them

(Group "B") JavaScript

1. Find the sum of the given two numbers.

2. Find the product of the given two numbers.

3. Find the given number as Even or Odd.

4. Find the smallest number among 2 numbers.

5. Find the greatest number among 3 numbers.

6. Find whether the given number is positive, negative, or neutral.

7. Display the number from 1 to 20

8. Create a function to find the product of any two numbers.

(Group C) PHP

1. Find the difference of given two numbers

2. Find the area of a rectangle.

3. Find the simple interest.

4. Find the smallest number among 2 numbers.

5. Display the number from 1 to 10


If You solve these questions then please send them to, SO that can help your fellow mates.

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